Modding > Spelunky 2 > Ragelunky

Ragelunky is a multiplayer friendly resprite of the game, designed to make it harder and more confusing for the player. I have swaped, camoflagued, and removed things throughout the whole game, so good luck making your way through the caves!
Linguini, Berger4
Mod Type:
Mod Pack
Install Code:
3 years, 5 months ago
Last Update:
3 years, 5 months ago
Average Rating:
No Ratings


Ragelunky changes a lot of vanilly sprites, including full sheets of items, so this mod isn't very compatible with others.

This mod was made to confuse and anger the player, and I did so by changing most of the following things:
- Traps
- Items
- Enemies
- Effects
- Ghosts

And these items have had certain aspects applied to them, such as:
- Camoflague
This is when an object has been changed to fit the environment it's in, usually to catch the player off-guard.
- Swap
This is when I swap the sprites of one thing with another. This usually confuses the player when unnatural behaviour occurs.
- Remove
This is when I make something invisible to surprise the player. These are far and few between, because I usually find it a bit uninspired.

Like I said before, this mod is MULTIPLAYER COMPATIBLE, so now you can suffer, but with friends!

I intend to add more to this, because not all of it is at the level of quality that I would like it to be, (and I only make high quality mods), but I figured I would upload this, so people can react and suggest changes, and I can update it quicker.

Untill next time Spelunker. Happy Raging!


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124 3 years, 5 months ago

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