Modding > Spelunky 2 > Menu library

Library to make menus fast and easy
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2 years, 10 months ago
Last Update:
2 years, 8 months ago
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This library will help you make menus way easier with just few simple steps instead of making a mess with tons of drawing functions etc.

To start, make a variable and assign new Menu to it

    require "menu"

    my_menu = Menu:new()


Use those to set up your menu:

  • .box - It's the whole box of the menu, it's AABB type, the important part is .left and .top which determinate the position of the menu. You can also set the .bottom and .right but i recommend using function to do that automatically, default = default AABB value (four zeros)
  • .background - table containing:
    • .color - color of the background, default = 0xFF000000
    • .padding - padding, it's AABB type, default = AABB:new(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02)
    • .rounding - rounding of the box, just rounding parameter for the draw_rect function, default = 0.0
  • .items - table containing:
    • .names - table for the names of the buttons, also defines number of the buttons, default = {}
    • .focus - focused item, it's index of the .names table, this will change automatically when the player will move thru the menu, need to be reset manually, otherwise whe you open the menu again it will be focused on the button chosen when you closed the menu, default = 1
    • .color - table containing:
      • .background - background color of the "button", default = {0xFFA00000}
      • .hover - color of the focused "button" background, default = 0xFF00A000
      • .text - color of the text, default = 0xFFFFFFFF
    • .font_size - font size parameter for the draw_text function, default = 20
    • .text_align - text alignment, available options: TEXT_ALIGNMENT.LEFT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT.CENTER, TEXT_ALIGNMENT.RIGHT, default = TEXT_ALIGNMENT.CENTER
    • .spacing - space between the "buttons", default = 0.03
    • .padding - padding of the "button", it's AABB type, default = default AABB value (four zeros)
    • .size - size of the "button", this is table of two values {horizontal, vertical}, zero means default (based on the text size and padding), if this is set to non 0, it will overwrite any padding for the items, default = {0.0, 0.0}
    • .rounding - rounding of the "button" box, just rounding parameter for the draw_rect function, default = 1.0
  • .key_binds - table containing:
    • .up - key for going up in the menu, use INPUTS enum, default = INPUTS.UP
    • .down - key for going down in the menu, use INPUTS enum, default = INPUTS.DOWN
    • .confirm - key for confirm the choice in the menu, use INPUTS enum, default = INPUTS.WHIP


Values for internal use only:

  • .callback_id - id of the callback, it will be set with set_callback function and reset with clear_callback
  • .last_draw_frame - last frame the Menu was drawn on screen, used for the inputs detection
  • .items.height - internal variable used for optimization


Use just like the functions for specific type in the API my_menu:function(arguments) (except the new() function)

  • Menu:new() - creates and returns new Menu object
  • set_callback(func) - creates callback, argument is a function that will be called when the player chooses option from menu, this will also start monitoring the inputs from the player
  • clear_callback() - clears the callback that was previously set with the above function
  • center (vertical, horizontal) - centers the menu, arguments are optional, if used without arguments it will center the menu horizontally and vertically, the arguments are bool type, this will also call update_box() function
  • set_pos(x, y) - just sets the position of the menu, also calls update_box() function
  • update_box() - function that will calculate the size of the box and other stuff to properly draw the menu, this is separate from the draw function for the optimization
  • draw (draw_ctx) - draws the menu on screen, this needs to be used inside ON.GUIFRAME callback, and requires draw_ctx available only in that callback

Explanations features and drawbacks:

The order of operation is: create new menu object, set up the menu with desired variables, use set_callback to handle the logic when the players selects items from the menu, call update_box, center or set_pos function, make a logic that will call draw function when desired

If you don't specify the .items.size the update_box function will need to use draw_text_size function to determinate the size of the "buttons", this function currently has an issue of giving garbage value when called on game load (Playlunky load lua scripts as soon as the game loads)
this means you can't call update_box outside callbacks or in ON.LOAD callback, i recommend using like ON.CAMP and/or ON.START or set_global_timeout function to properly execute update_box. (This issue has been registered on Playlunky GitHub, hopefully it can be fixed)

Because this was made with class like structure, it is possible to store the Menu object with other objects, tables etc.
You can also expand the variables with custom ones without editing any of the menu.lua code, so you can have all the extra data tied to the menu itself

This is single player only (obviously) and uses only the player 1 controls for the menu, it is not affected by opening a game menu, in game death etc. any of this logic needs to be made by you


1: Fastest way to make a simple menu

require "menu"

local my_menu = Menu:new()
my_menu.items.names = {"Option A", "Option B", "Option C"}

end, ON.START)

    local selected_item = my_menu.items.focus


When you use the whip button with the menu on screen, it will print the name of the button that is focused/hovered

2: Add custom var and some logic

require "menu"

local my_menu = Menu:new()
my_menu.items.names = {"Bomb Box", "Plasma Cannon", "PowerPack"}
my_menu.key_binds.confirm = INPUTS.DOOR

-- custom variables
my_menu.on = false
my_menu.gift_recived = false
-- ----

end, ON.START)

    my_menu.on = false

    x, y, l = get_position(players[1].uid)
    if my_menu.items.focus == 1 then
        spawn(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PICKUP_BOMBBOX, x, y, l, 0, 0)
    elseif my_menu.items.focus == 2 then
        spawn(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_PLASMACANNON, x, y, l, 0, 0)
    elseif my_menu.items.focus == 3 then
        spawn(ENT_TYPE.ITEM_POWERPACK, x, y, l, 0, 0)
    my_menu.items.focus = 1


    if not my_menu.gift_recived and state.kali_favor >= 10 then
        my_menu.on = true
end, ON.FRAME)

    if my_menu.on then
This will open a menu when players reaches 10 kali favor, then he can choose his reward


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